Across the Face of the World by Russell Kirkpatrick

Across the Face of the World (Fire of Heaven Trilogy)

by Russell Kirkpatrick

From a tiny snowbound village, five men and women are about to embark on a journey that will change their lives -and the destiny of their world.For two thousand years, since he was cast out from Dona Mihst, the fabled Undying Man has been plotting his revenge on the Most High. The Destroyer's plans of vengeance are nearing fruition-and he will allow nothing to stand in his way. But one man has escaped from the Destroyer's prison, and even though the Lords of Fear ride in pursuit, he will bring word to his people. It will be up to his sons, Hal and Leith, together with a small group of villagers, to warn their world of the coming war.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Its a story of a powerful immortal evil and a group of people who have been chosen to fight it. There are secrets and lies in the group and no-one is sure what the motives of anyone else is. It's interesting and involved but a little typical of it's type.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed