Dragonfly by Julia Golding

Dragonfly (Dragonfly and the Glass Swallow, #1)

by Julia Golding

When the uptight Fourth Crown Princess of the Blue Crescent Islands is sent to marry the 'uncouth' Ramil ac Burinholt, heir to the throne of Gerfal, they are both horrified. The princess is used to a life of discipline, ritual and splendour, Ramil to a life spent hunting and carousing. But the countries of both are under threat from the fearsome warlord Fergox Spearthrower and the only chance of peace is for them to form an alliance. So when Ramil and Tashi - as he insists on calling the princess to her annoyance - are kidnapped, things look disastrous. But the kidnap is the start of an exhilarating journey involving circus troupes, bloody battles, unarmed combat, daring escape and breakneck chases. Along the way, Ramil and Tashi learn much about themselves and one another, and through the cast of characters they encounter - a circus strongman, dashing rebels, brave slaves and many ordinary people - they begin to see a way to bring the mighty Fergox Spearthrower low, and save their beautiful lands from devastation and war.

Reviewed by Mackenzie on

3 of 5 stars

Originally on Oh, For the Love of Books!

Short and Sweet:

Dragonfly turned out to be a rather enjoyable read. Quests, hate turned love romance, and rebellions? All the makings for a good book. Golding did a fantastic job of creating this world and showing how the drastically different cultures interact. While I didn't love the characters, I liked them. Tashi, who didn't want to be a princess, yet was devout in her duties and true to heart. She ended up being a strong leader who stood up for what she believed in and what she knew to be true. Ramil, who acted like a 2 year old at the beginning, redeemed himself and grew throughout. He learned to be a good and resourceful leader and to trust in himself. I enjoyed going on this adventure with them and meeting new characters throughout. Although sometimes the writing seem amateurish, overall it was good. Golding has an excellent knack for delving into the minds of her characters a really thinking through their decisions. If you enjoy action, adventure, and fantasy, I think this is a book worth picking up.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 18 March, 2012: Reviewed