Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

Melody Bittersweet and the Girl's Ghostbusting Agency is one of those books I feel like I've read before - don't ask me when, or what it was, because I've got no idea, but there's some kind of familiarity about this book that gave me a very weird sense of deja vu. It's actually one of my favourite new books - there's just something about this book that gives it so much heart, so much joy, so much laughter, and warmth. It's funny one minute, and has you tearing up the next, and I can't wait for Melody Bittersweet #2, because this is a series that can just run, and run, I can see it now. Melody Bittersweet and her co-cast will never get old.

I wasn't sure at first how the book would go - would there be multiple ghosts being busted? Would it be like Ghostbusters, not that I've SEEN ghostbusters, but I know they were funky suits and have hoovers. But it seems to be one-case-per-book format, which is actually pretty amazing, because I actually loved the Scarboroughs. Actually, that's a lie, I loved Douglas and Isaac. Lloyd was a jerk. A grade-A jerk. But their story was intriguing, and Melody tries to find out who actually killed Douglas - was it Isaac, as everyone believed, or was it Douglas's twin Lloyd? It's actually a really sad story and as it all came out at the end, I did find myself becoming quite teary-eyed, because, like Melody, I had become attached to these charming, wise-cracking ghosts.

I also absolutely loved Melody, Artie and Marina. They make the most amazing ghostbusting team, you've got no idea. Melody is just awesome full stop, the way she's not afraid of anything (and when you can see dead people you kinda wouldn't be afraid, ever, would you?) and I love how she and Marina are the two tightest people you will ever meet, they're so close, like sisters, and they both support each other and it's amazing. But Artie! OH MY GOD, ARTIE. He was so sweet! So lovely. And call me crazy, but I kinda saw some sparks between Artie and Marina, which would be INSANE. But I'm calling it. I'M CALLING IT. MARTIE IS A GO. (Or maybe it's just in my head.) I loved the team and Melody's mum and Grandma (her Grandma in particular was HILARIOUS).

Now there's a bit of a love triangle - I saw a bit, because Leo Dark is no match for Fletch. I'm sorry, but he couldn't hold a candle to Fletch, and for me Melody/Fletch is the way Kitty French has to go. Leo had his shot, he hurt Melody, and he can never be allowed back in her heart again, do you hear me? Plus he's an idiot. He's an IDIOT. Fletch is not, Fletch is awesome. And his and Melody's chemistry is off the freaking charts. I mean, Melody went out and bought a DOG because that's what she told Fletch she'd done, who does that?!??!! But that was amazing, because Lestat is amazing (not Parsnip, although that, too, was hilarious).

Melody Bittersweet and the Girl's Ghostbusting Agency had it all. I just knew right from the off that this was the book for me, that I would absolutely love this book, and I did. I loved it all. The characters, the plot, the romance/sparks, the dog, the ghosts. There was not a bad thing in this book, except the Fembots, who needed a slap and Lloyd Scarborough who needed a punch. This was a genuinely brilliant read - funny, flirty, emotional, heart-warming, all the superlatives you can think of should be levied at this book because it was amazing. But, there's only one teensy-tiny problem: I need book two now, Kitty French. Now.

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  • 13 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 June, 2016: Reviewed