Social Creature by Tara Isabella Burton

Social Creature

by Tara Isabella Burton

"A sharp, biting, and irresistible debut about parties and ambition in New York City--introducing a talented Mr. Ripley for the digital age, with all the glitz and grit of Bright Lights, Big City. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Louise Wilson is an expert at just barely making it. She's mastered the tricks and shortcuts that a penniless small-town girl needs to survive in New York City. When she meets the beautiful, wealthy, eccentric, and aimless Lavinia Williams, she thinks her dreams of a cosmopolitan existence may be coming true. Lavinia introduces her to...Read more

Reviewed by kristy on

4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley for a review. First off, I absolutely love the cover of this book. It immediately caught my eye and was the reason that I was interested in it in the first place. Initially I was a bit thrown off by the writing style of the author, I had to re-read a few times and it took me a while to get drawn in to the book but once I was I was hooked and finished it within a few hours. I'm not sure if you are suppose to really like the main character or not, but I personally ended up liking her and enjoyed how the story played out. I think that the description of New York/all of the parties was interesting and even though that lifestyle would not be for me I enjoyed getting to live it through the characters for a time.

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  • 20 May, 2018: Reviewed