Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

3 of 5 stars

Ice to Harmony…with a little help from Brain

Brain, Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Cub Book 2, was a very hard book to say I like. So far this was Candace Blevins best work in my opinion but the main subject was hard to take and some of the main characters who were the “goodies” I detested. We are introduced to the heroine Ice when she is kidnapped by the club as punishment and to gain information from her. Brain our “hero” is in charge of the kidnapping. They feel an instant attraction to each other and find out they have a lot in common. Obviously, the situation they are in is not conducive to starting a relationship so obstacles and challenges are in their way before they can even think of each other as anything other than enemy.

For most people reading this story I would think that the main issues and triggers would be around the descriptions of abuse that Ice had faced before she even met the club. No, I did not enjoy reading them. They were traumatic and horrific and made me feel great sympathy for her. My biggest struggle was the humiliation and degradation that Ice faced at the hands of RTMC. The situation was handled terribly and made me extremely dislike Brain, Duke, Bash and Gonzo. By the half way point I had made some way in forgiving Brain for the part he played because he had improved Ice’s situation. Ice had changed her name to Harmony and was getting over her past trauma. The other members of the club also moved into a more favourable position in my eyes by helping her when she needed it.

So, I had reached a stage where I had almost forgiven Brain, Duke, Bash and Gonzo when Brain takes the first bomb dive. Brain returns to the club and we hear his thoughts about how happy he is with Harmony and their life together, but then thinks about how much he’s going to miss anal with Margie and having the other club women give him oral. He knows Harmony can’t hack it, but he’s really going to miss it. KABOOM…Brain, you are never going to recover in my eyes from that one. Then we have a lovely scene when the men spank with a belt one of the club women for an infringement. Their justification for doing it was disgusting and the treatment of these women turned my stomach.

Brain was a well written story with some very hard situations to read. The beginning and the end were impossible for me to enjoy but the middle had some beauty to it. We see Ice become Harmony and see her gain strength and determination in facing her demons with Brain always there to help. This was a darker read than what I originally expected and Candace Blevins does not sugar coat the experience.

This review and more can be found at

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  • 5 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2015: Reviewed