The Fury of Kings by R S Moule

The Fury of Kings (The Erland Saga, #1)

by R S Moule

In the shadow of Eryispek—a mountain said to have no summit—a dark power is stirring. Storms rage in the frozen heights. Unexplained disappearances shake the kingdom below. And old enemies are sharpening their swords…

Andrick the Barrelbreaker first led an army at sixteen.

His victories secured the throne of Erland for his brother and shattered the rebellious noble houses in the West. Decades later, a fragile peace still holds.

But when the king’s only son is murdered, Erland is plunged into crisis. The new heir will stop at nothing to secure his claim. The king, maddened by grief, stalks the halls and hidden passages of his keep, growing more unpredictable by the day.

As war and magical disaster loom, Andrick must decide between protecting his family and marching out to serve a brother he barely recognizes.

His children must also choose their destinies.

Training in the practice yard every day, Orsian dreams of fighting beside his father. Now, for the first time, he faces the brutal reality of battle.

And Pherri is haunted by very different dreams—of figures struggling up the mountain, of a voice more chilling than the wind, of blood on the snow. Only she can resist the darkness that waits on the slopes above…

Race through the pages of an epic new series and enter a world of intrigue, battles and destiny that will leave you breathless. The Erland Saga is a classic fantasy adventure, perfect for fans of George R.R. Martin, John Gwynne and Raymond E. Feist.

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.I must confess I am not a big epic fantasy reader. I can count one hand how many times I have read this genre. However, the trailer for The Fury of Kings compelled me to request a copy. The Fury of Kings is the first book in the Erland Saga, and the debut release for author R. S. Moule. He delivered a scintillating tale. One filled with interesting characters, nail biting action and sufficient drama to keep readers turning the pages.

The Fury of Kings started the Erland Saga on an exciting note. From the first page, I knew this would be an interesting read, and it did not disappoint. Moule transported readers to a fascinating, medieval, patriarchal, breathtaking world. A world where secrets, deceit, betrayal and greed prevail. As this is the first book in the series, the world developed at a steady pace. As a result, it gave the reader time to appreciate the culture, the scenery, the setting and the history. 

The story features a wide range of characters of varying ages. Characters whose ages range from middle grade to adult. We see the younger characters slowly finding their footing when faced with the realization that the world isn’t all fun and games. It was interesting seeing their willingness to embrace the change. Whether it involved facing danger or discovering hidden magical talents.

In the first couple of pages, tragedy struck, placing the king of Erland’s throne in jeopardy and paving the way for war. Attempts were made to secure the king’s throne and avoid the fallout of war. Despite these attempts, war was inevitable. Now all the capable warriors, whether experienced or inexperienced, pick up arms to defend the king’s throne. The battle scenes were intense, with moments where I feared for characters who wormed their way into my heart. Moule’s description plunged me right into the middle of the battle.  

At over 500 pages, one would not have expected a cliff-hangar, however, the unexpected occurred. Now I am eagerly awaiting the next book so I can continue the journey in this magnificent and epic world.

Colin Mace did an excellent job in bringing the story to life. Despite the challenge of narrating a story featuring a wide cast of characters of all genders, ages, classes, and personality, Mace knocked it out of the park. This was my first time experiencing his work, and he left a lasting impression. I’ll definitely listen in to more of his work.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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