The School for Heiresses by Sabrina Jeffries, Liz Carlyle, Julia London, Renee Bernard

The School for Heiresses (The School for Heiresses)

by Sabrina Jeffries, Liz Carlyle, Julia London, and Renee Bernard

At the School for Heiresses, headmistress and founder Charlotte Harris is training eager young heiresses in the fine art of acquiring a loving and passionate husband, while avoiding fortune hunters and rakes. In this collection of stories by authors Sabrina Jeffries, Liz Carlyle, Julia London, and Renee Bernard, Mrs. Harris sets a task to four of her pupils, giving each girl an important "lesson" to work on during the holidays.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Four short stories about four girls who went to the same finishing school.

Ten Reasons to stay by Sabrina Jeffries features an Anglo-Indian lord who discovers a horse thief isn't who he appears to be.

After Midnight by Liz Carlyle is the story of the daughter of a courtesan who discovers love.

The Merchant's Gift by Julia London is the story of a nouveau riche heiress who finds love where her father will never approve.

Mischief's Holiday by Renee Bernard is the story of a woman who seems to attract chaos who finally finds someone who seems to still it.

Not bad but not inspiring.

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  • 3 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 July, 2015: Reviewed