Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

4.25 stars.

I REALLY love Kele Moon.

I LOVE the Battered Hearts series and I'm feeling very optimistic about this series.  This was one had a bit of a different feeling for me, compared to the Battered Hearts series. And you know what?  That's cool.  This kind of anti hero thing that Marcos has going on works for me.  He and Katie could not be anymore different from each other, she's a sweet school teacher and Marcos is a former MMA fighter/ former gang member/ex con.  And yet, these two really do connect with each other, very quickly and intensely.  I really appreciate how Ms. Moon connects her couples to each other so well.   Once they finally succumb to the undeniable pull of each other, the sexy times are as epic as they always are in a Kele Moon book.

Katie isn't used to a man being so upfront about his attraction to her and her self confidence was shot.  Marcos made no bones about how attracted he was to her and she also made him realize that he was more than the ex con he believed himself to be.  He wanted to be more than that and she made him feel worthy of being a man who could make an honest living and be worthy of a woman like her.  These two characters did a lot of unpacking of their baggage.

What I found interesting and I ended up really enjoying, was the relationship between Marcos and his cousin, Chuito.  They grew up together and went through A LOT together- gang life and heavy stuff like... death of friends and family.  I think I referred to their relationship in my initial Goodreads review, as a "Bromance" and for all intents and purposes, they are brothers.  They way they come together and defend each other, I really enjoyed that aspect of the story.  Of course, some of our favorite residents of  Garnet make appearances and it made me want Tino and NOVA's books ASAP.  I love those mafia boys.

This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 5 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2014: Reviewed