Pivot Point by Kasie West

Pivot Point (Pivot Point, #1)

by Kasie West

Perfect for fans of Sliding Doors, Kasie West's riveting novel Pivot Point follows a girl with the power to see her potential futures. Addison Coleman's life is one big "What if?" As a Searcher, a special type of clairvoyant, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she is able to look into the future and see both outcomes. So when her parents tell her they are getting a divorce and she has to pick who she wants to live with, a Search has never been more important. In one future Addie is living with her mom in the life she's always known and is being pursued by the most popular guy in school. In the other she is the new girl in school, where she falls for a cute, quiet artist. Then Addie finds herself drawn into a murder investigation, and her fate takes a darker turn. With so much to lose in either future, Addie must decide which reality she's willing to live through ...and who she's willing to live without.

Reviewed by Stephanie on

5 of 5 stars

I was looking forward to reading this book, especially since a lot of people have been praising it. Turns out, I loved it!

Addie's special power is to see the future when she's presented with a choice, so when her parents tell her they are divorcing she decides to search the future for the best decision. While she is searching we get to follow along with her, with the chapters alternating between Addie living with her mom in the Compound and Addie living with her dad outside of the Compound.

I loved that we get both perspectives of what it's like to live inside the compound and what it's like to be this 'paranormal' person living on the outside. I also loved that the two futures sort of wove together nicely, it made me respect West for such an amazing job at writing these two futures in such a way that everything just laid out perfectly.

With two different futures, there are also two different love interests. I was completely turned off by Duke right away. He just seemed like a douche bag and there was something that made me not trust him. Anytime Duke would say anything, even something like "You're so pretty Addie" I would be like 'you're LYING! You're just sucking up for some reason that I don't know yet!' But Trevor. I LOVED Trevor. I loved everything about Addie and Trevor's relationship. It was such a cute, slow build relationship.

I also loved Addie. She has such an awesome personality that made me want to be her friend. She had awesome one liners or would say something like

"Yeah, well, you've known me for such a long time. You should be able to read my looks by now. Glaring at you in the rear view mirror, like this, means: 'You will die if you take people to my house. Come up with an alternate solution.'" I give him and example of the look."
–page 110

Can I mention how heartbreaking the ending is? Because it's heartbreaking. All I can say is, you just have to read it, because it's so sad, but brilliant, and there is some little hope off in the corner, but Addie is oblivious to it, which make the heartbreak even worse and *sigh*.

Overall, I loved this book and I'm very excited for the next book!

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  • 20 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 September, 2013: Reviewed
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  • 20 September, 2013: Reviewed