Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I received this book for free from the Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Will Winnie win the lights competition to save her family home and business?

Christmas Lights on Evergreen Avenue by Tara Watson is a great debut novel. It’s a cute romantic book. In this book, we have two electricians as our couple. The electricians are Winnie Anderson and Dan Parker; they are two fascinating people.

Winnie Anderson

The main female character is Winnie Anderson. She is the daughter of an electrician that died eight months ago and has left her with the business and the family home. Winnie is a pretty complicated character and projects her feeling on to others. She has lived in the small town of Harmony her whole life and can’t think of anywhere else she wants to be even though she might have to move.

Likes and Dislikes

What I like about Winnie is that she knows what she wants. She is working in a field that not many females. Another thing that I like about her is that despite being a tomboy, she can look like a girly girl as well. What I dislike about Winnie is that she has a lot of pride. She doesn’t want anyone to know about her problems. The last thing that I don’t like about Winnie is that she is blaming Dan instead of talking to the townspeople.

Dan Parker

The main male character is Dan Parker is the other electrician in the small town of Harmony. Dan moved to Harmony three years ago to start to build a new life. Now that his business is doing good so is he.

Likes and Dislikes

What I like about Dan is that he is practically an open book, but he didn’t realize what he was doing. Although, some of this is because Winnie didn’t tell anyone that she was hurting and made people think that she was doing fine. Another thing that I like about Dan is that he still tries to help Winnie when she pulls away. He gets whiplash dealing with her emotions. I don’t think there is anything that I don’t like about him. Well, that he didn’t realize he was taking Winnie’s clients. But that can’t be dislike or can it? I mean where did he think that all of these clients were coming from, anyway?

Five Star

I am giving Christmas Lights on Evergreen Avenue by Tara Watson a five-star rating because it is a terrific book. Ms. Watson did a fantastic job on weaving this story. Also, every single time I had to put it down, I was thinking about the characters and wondering what Winnie was going to do. Congratulations, Ms. Watson on this awesome debut novel.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by,

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 23 December, 2018: Reviewed