House Of Sand And Fog by Andre Dubus III

House Of Sand And Fog

by Andre Dubus III

When Kathy, a young recovering alcoholic recently separated from her husband, fails to a open a series of tax letters that have been sent to her in error, the State of California seizes the house she and her brother have inherited from her father. The State sells the house at auction to Behrani, a former Iranian Air Force officer. Unable to parley his skills into a job in aerospace in the US, the house represents an entry into real estate and a passport to the future of his family and his own version of the American Dream. For Kathy, its loss is the last of a series of insults life has dealt her. When she becomes involved with a married policeman who takes up her cause, the stage is set for a gut-wrenching tragedy.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

1 of 5 stars

It's like watching a match set to a long trail of gasoline, burning itself up into the inevitable annihilation.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 April, 2009: Finished reading
  • 1 April, 2009: Reviewed