Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

I have never hated a group of women like I did most of the women in this book, including the heroine Scarlett. I know there is a reason for her attitude and the venom that sprays from her mouth. But she's so hateful and hurtful that it's very, very hard to have once ounce of compassion for her.

Scarlett and Dante have a rather twisted push and pull relationship, given their explosive tempers, but Dante was a bit more likable to me. He was caught between his manipulative, hateful mother and her machinations and a father that pushed his hate towards his wife onto his son. When we visited the past, we saw how much Dante protected Scarlett, so you know whatever it was that caused this whole war was done because Dante was a pawn in something much bigger.

It's that much bigger part of the story that has me wanting to read the next book I don't care if Scarlett and Dante get a HEA, but I do need to find out why a boy who would do anything for this little girl would tear her apart, twice.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 October, 2015: Reviewed