Stormcaster by Cinda Williams Chima

Stormcaster (Seven Realms Universe, #7) (Shattered Realms, #3)

by Cinda Williams Chima

From New York Times bestselling author Cinda Williams Chima comes the third gripping adventure in the Shattered Realms series, where intricately interwoven storylines converge as the warring Seven Realms struggle to unite against a horrific tyrant.

Vagabond seafarer Evan Strangward can move wind, waves, and weather, but his magical abilities can’t protect him forever from the brutal Empress Celestine. As Celestine’s relentless bloodsworn armies grow, Evan travels to the Fells to warn the queendom that an invasion is imminent.

If he can’t convince the Gray Wolf queen to take a stand, he knows that the Seven Realms will fall, and his last sanctuary will be destroyed. Among the dead will be the one person Evan can’t stand to lose.

Meanwhile, the queen’s formidable daughter, Princess Alyssa ana’Raisa, is already a prisoner aboard the empress’s ship, sailing east. Lyss may be the last remaining hope of bringing down the empress from within her own tightly controlled stronghold.

Reviewed by Ashley on

4 of 5 stars

I didn't like it as much as book two. :( It felt less action-based and way more political. There were so many different points of view to deal with and so many moving pieces. Sometimes it was hard to keep track. I often forgot which character another character was with or where they were or what they were doing. There were long stretches where it felt like nothing really was happening.

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Reading updates

  • 28 April, 2018: Started reading
  • 4 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2019: Reviewed
  • 8 October, 2019: Started reading
  • 18 October, 2019: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2019: Reviewed