Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

A Charmed Little Lie is the first book in Sharla Lovelace's new series; Charmed in Texas. It's also my first novel by this author.

All good intentions go out of the window when Lanie Barrett learns conditions attached to her beloved Aunt Ruby's will. Inheriting her childhood home isn't guaranteed because she has to prove she is happily married...when she isn't. Lanie told her aunt many things because she wanted her closest relative to be happy in her final days and now those lies are coming back to bite. With a matter of days to resolve her life, Lanie's forced to take an impulsive gamble to try to prove she's married to the man of her dreams. A gamble with startling results.

Nick McKane has just lost his job at a diner at a time in his life when he needs every cent he can get his hands on to send his daughter to college to fulfil her dreams. When a woman he's not at any time seen before propositions him with a strange request, he accepts. It's against his judgement, but the crazy offer means he has nothing to lose and some money to gain. Only the gains far exceed his wildest dreams.

Lanie and Nick manage to complement each other as they get to know each other under the strange circumstances that brought them together. Townsfolk from Charmed, Texas ensure there's hardly a dull moment in their tentative fake relationship as the full extent of Aunt Ruby's requirements become public knowledge.

The author has successfully woven a highly entertaining plot with a romance which seems to stretch any imagination, yet works wonderfully. Whilst I liked Lanie, I was slightly wary of this woman who is economical with the truth, even though her lies are not malicious. Nick, on the other hand, is pretty impressive. He truly embraces his new 'life' and is a real asset to Lanie when dealing those sceptical to their marriage.

Overall, if you are a fan of small-town romances, you can't go wrong with a trip to Charmed, Texas. It's a fun read with hilarious dialogue that keeps the pages turning effortlessly.

4.5 Stars

***arc generously received courtesy of the publisher Lyrical Shine via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 21 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 21 April, 2017: Reviewed