Small Town Girl by Ann H. Gabhart

Small Town Girl

by Ann H. Gabhart

In the autumn of 1941, rumors of war whisper through Rosey Corner. The town practically vibrates in anticipation, as if it is holding its breath. But for Kate Merritt, it seems life is letting out a prolonged sigh. As Kate watches her sister marry the man Kate has loved since she was fifteen, her heart is silently breaking. And even the attentions of Jay Tanner, the handsome best man, can't draw her interest.

Then suddenly, Pearl Harbor changes everything. Kate's friends are rushing to get married before the boys go off to war. The newspapers talk of women making airplanes and bombs. Everyone in town begins rolling bandages, planting victory gardens, collecting scrap metal. Kate finds herself drawn to Jay in surprising ways, and when he enlists she can hardly breathe worrying about him getting killed. Could she truly be in love with him? And if she is, will she ever see him again?

In her gentle and textured style, Ann Gabhart tells a timeless story of love, sacrifice, and longing that will grip the heart and stir the spirit. Fans of Angel Sister will be thrilled to see Kate Merritt all grown up. New readers will find that Ann Gabhart weaves in Small Town Girl a beautiful story that will touch their hearts and win their loyalty.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Five stars. When was the last time I gave a real book five stars? [b:Small Town Girl|16117755|Small Town Girl|Ann H. Gabhart||21936074] is really wonderful. It's a war-time novel, but it's about a battle on the field of the heart. A struggle to be won with God and with human companionship love, not the Japanese or Germans of the outbreak of the second world war at the attack of Pearl Harbor, that's just the setting. [b:Words Spoken True|11547851|Words Spoken True|Ann H. Gabhart||16487634] and it's 1855 setting Louisville setting put upon me to become a real fan of [a:Ann H. Gabhart|311723|Ann H. Gabhart|] and while I am one that has yet to read [b:Angel Sister|8162603|Angel Sister|Ann H. Gabhart||13005491] it has been added to my Kindle and I look forward to going back and finding out more of the story behind Kate, Lorena and her family. After finishing "Small Town Girl" I wish there was more to read in their futures as now only my imagination can fill.

Kate is an interesting character as is Jay and I was with a slight grin from about the third chapter onward. If you read other Christian Historical Fiction authors, this thought might help you decide whether you might like this one or not... Take a hero from [a:Mary Connealy|58306|Mary Connealy|] in personality and place him in a time frame and writing like [a:Sarah Sundin|2992396|Sarah Sundin|] and give him a romantic heart and desire such as those growing in love and faith from [a:Julie Lessman|965709|Julie Lessman|] and then have that story written by the amazing [a:Ann H. Gabhart|311723|Ann H. Gabhart|]. That's what you'll find here.

Another one for the favorites shelf, and now I'll have to go delve into "Angel Sister".

I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 July, 2013: Reviewed