Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

If you have ever struggled with feelings of insecurity and lack of self-worth, you've got nothing on Fred.  Because of his father's crimes and the abuse he heaped on him, Fred feels unworthy and unlovable.  He is one of the hardest workers in town and is constantly showing kindness to anyone he comes across who needs it, but still only sees himself as the son of a reprobate.

Elsa and Ethan were super close as twins, when things changed between them, she felt betrayed and all alone.   Well, except for Fred.

I loved each of the characters in this book.  Well, except for Curly and his cohorts, but I wasn't supposed to like them.  :-)  My favorites were Fred's aunts.  Even before seeing the author's comment that she thought of them as fairy godmothers, I saw them as exactly that.

I always appreciate the attention to detail that Shanna Hatfield puts into her books.  She does extensive research, and it shows in the way her books feel so authentic.  And I generally learn things about the time period as well.  I also love the way she finds little ways to make her various books intersect with each other, even across the various series.

This story is very heart-felt and tender and includes a little bit of intrigue and danger.  Just don't read it when you are hungry, because it will cause you to crave all sorts of confections!

Shanna has a wonderful giveaway with giveaway for $75 worth of Christmas goodies.  You can click on the image above or on the link to enter.  This is the same giveaway as the one I mentioned in the post for The Dove and you can only enter once.

Here is the blog tour schedule for this book:

Among the Reads
Lisa Book Blog

Breaking Genre

Wide World of Books

Abibliophobia Anonymous Book Reviews
Brenda's Blog
G & T's Indie Café
The Book Addict's Reviews

Lady Amber’s Reviews & PRThis review was originally posted on Among the Reads

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  • Started reading
  • 12 December, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 December, 2017: Reviewed