To Catch a Killer by Sheryl Scarborough

To Catch a Killer (Erin Blake, #1)

by Sheryl Scarborough

When Erin discovers the body of her biology teacher, she begins her own investigation into the murder of her mother when Erin was just a toddler.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

"I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you understand that none of the past has anything to do with who you are."

Erin is one of those characters that while you love how into things they are, you also worry about them having gone way to far and jeopardizing everything.
The friendships in this book were nice, but of course they had to get messed up somehow which really annoyed me. Just once I would like a mystery book where they all didn't get mad at each other in the middle, just to come together as a team at the end. Erin's best friends really did help her out and multiple times risked their own lives just to help her with some new scheme she had going on.

As for Erin trying to solve her own mothers murder. I don't blame her and would have been trying to do the same. Sure it was a potentially dangerous thing, but she was right when she said that the person could still come after her at anytime since the town had just given up it appeared on finding the killer.

Overall I did enjoy this story and the friendships that Erin had. I was able to figure out who did it about halfway through the book sadly (It was fairly obvious as time went on). But I found the adults in Erin's life while way over protective at times to be fairly normal when it comes to dealing with such a tragedy and dealing with teenagers as well. For the love interest in this book, I didn't really mind it, but I also thought it was a little unnecessary considering certain things and who they both were.

If you like a quick murder mystery than I think you will like this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 4 March, 2017: Reviewed