Witch`s List, The by Andrew Cairns

Witch`s List, The

by Andrew Cairns

Sandy Beech doesn't believe in witches and the supernatural. However, certain strange events occur which put his scepticism to the test: a burning book, a falling crucifix, a mysterious illness, and a fire in a convent which kills all twelve nuns. On her deathbed, Bernadette, the last surviving nun, warns him to control his lusts and avoid African women. Sandy finds this difficult, since he is attracted to exotic, dark-skinned women and after his hedonistic university exchange year in Paris, marries Rocky from the Ivory Coast. Five years later, childless and with the marriage souring, they decide to visit Rocky's home country. Sandy is drawn into a world of strange beliefs and practices: he finds out about the Witch's List - a list of people destined to die, and is attacked by various animals starting with a ferocious dog in Abidjan. He delves further and further into the realm of African witchcraft, but the horrific truth remains obscure...The Witch's List is the first of a trilogy.

Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

The Witch’s List is the first part of a trilogy, the main character is Sandy Beech (great name) and he tells of his time at school and what happens with a certain book him and his friend come across at the library at school. It then describes his fun times before college, the love of his life and how poorly that ended up. Then when he is at university he meets a nun called Bernadette who warns him and basically tells him to stick with good Scottish lass as African women are dangerous. There is a twist on what happens when he visits Bernadette though and it quite spooky. Anyway while at Uni he has the option to do an exchange and do a year in France. He has fun as all young lads do but having fun lands him in trouble a few times along the way. He is still drawn to African women and eventually meets and marries Rocky (another great name especially once married Rocky Beech).

Their actual wedding was quite a funny thing to read but after a few years the strains were showing and they decide to visit the Ivory Coast to visit Rocky’s family.

Strange things start happening at every location they visit which I didn’t really put two and two together at first. Not until the very end where I was left open mouthed, hoping that the next book would be available sooner rather than later so I can read what happens next.

Let’s put it this way, apart from a few mentions of a Witch’s List I thought I was reading the wrong book as nothing really happened with it, it was just mentioned. But it wasn’t until the end that I actually got it and presume that more will be learnt about it in the subsequent books.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, for someone that grew up in the 80’s although younger than Sandy, I could relate to many things he was talking about. I also like anything to do with witches, witchcraft and the supernatural.

The book was paced well and it was an enjoyable read, which was full of action, humour and emotion and spooky moments. The characters were described very well and I felt like I knew them personally.

The details of the different places Sandy lived or visited were remarkable and you can tell that Andrew Cairns, the author, had visited them all.

I can’t wait for the next instalment.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 October, 2016: Reviewed