Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

4 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Can being a fake boyfriend/girlfriend mend their broken hearts?

The Best of You by Sophie-Leigh Robbins is a superbly written tale of new friends, love and experiencing life to its fullest at the moment. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone; you never know who may be waiting there to find you. Ms. Robbins puts the com in a romcom with this one.


Holly is on this cruise as a travel vlogger, and to get away from her cheating ex-fiancé. You know to figure out what to do next.  Holly is short and sweet. She tries to give everyone a chance. Holly also makes friends easier than she thinks. However, usually cruise ships aren’t her usual form of travel, and this is her first one.

I like that Holly is willing to take chances, listens to everyone, and has a heart of gold. That being said, she seems to get into trouble very easily. It is like she is this crazy magnet of the strangest things.  


Noah is on the Oceanic Aphrodite to help his Dad find love again. He knows that his mom wouldn’t want his Dad to be lonely now that she is gone. But Robert, that’s Noah’s Dad, didn’t want to come alone, so, here they are taking a singles cruise together.

Noah also has some baggage that he needs to figure out. And he has some big life decisions to make once he gets back from this cruise.  

I like Noah’s sense of humor, the way he comes to Holly’s rescue and his ability to put people at ease. The only thing that I didn’t like was that he played things close to his chest, not sharing them with Holly unless she asked.

Love Story

This story is super adorable, with so many funny scenes. I was rooting for Holly and Noah from the moment he commented on her video. Noah and Holly’s love bloomed slowly and yet everyone but them could see it. I think my favorite part was their adventure with the stingrays and that first kiss. So, swoon-worthy.

The supporting cast is also crazy fun. Robert and his life vest, George and Georgia, the newlywed seniors and Trina. Oh, and the Star Trek loving Logan, such a bunch of characters.

4 Stars for The Best of You by Sophie-Leigh Robbins

My rating for The Best of You by Sophie-Leigh Robbins is four stars. This story is an amazing end to a terrific series. I hope that Holly and Noah have many happy years together. Ms. Robbins writes an incredible journey from strangers to friends to lovers. I recommend The Best of You and the other Oceanic Dreams novellas.

About the Series

Legend says a person with an open heart will meet their true love within a day of boarding the Oceanic Aphrodite. Siggy’s on the run, Liv’s taking her first vacation in ages, and Holly just wants to get to one million subscribers. But each of them finds a bit more than she bargained for. Will these 8 Sassy Singles sail off into the sunset with their matches or abandon ship?

The Oceanic Dreams series is a set of eight romantic comedy novellas, all set on the same Caribbean cruise.

Other Books in the Series

To find my reviews for the series, click the links near the top of the page.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of The Best of You by Sophie-Leigh Robbins.

Also, check out my interview with Sophie-Leigh Robbins HERE.

Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • Started reading
  • 23 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 23 August, 2019: Reviewed