Reviewed by Eve1972 on

2 of 5 stars


Hot cover on this one. Good representation of the hero. Excellent composition and title work as well.

This one was a bit hit and miss for me. While I found myself pulled into the plot and curious about the characters the writing was off for me. It felt clunky and just didn't have a good flow to it. My other issue was, from the blurb it sounded like I was going to get a good dark D/s book, but really what I got was a book weighed down (too bogged down at times) with major issues. Alcoholism. Eating disorders. Abuse.

To be honest, after awhile I just started to skim over the pages and pages of calorie counts, exercise, and fat talk. I wanted less focus on those things and more on the romantic relationship. The above issue stopped me from feeling a connection between these two characters.

So yeah, this started off strong, but by the end, I was struggling to finish it. I will admit I am slightly curious to see what happens with these two characters in the next book. Whether or not I am interested enough to read it remains to be seen.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2017: Reviewed