Chaos Born by Rebekah Turner

Chaos Born (Chronicles of Applecross)

by Rebekah Turner

A fresh and exciting debut novel introducing the Chronicles of the Applecross.

Lora Blackgoat, smuggler and mercenary, has been laying low after a job gone bad made her a laughing stock in the industry. When a childhood friend turns to her for help, Lora leaps to restore her reputation and starts hunting a killer who is stalking the gas–lit streets.

She never expects that her path will lead her to the Order of Guides, a sadistic militant religious organisation – or to Roman, a deadly and dangerously attractive half–angel warrior who also hunts the killer.

When Lora discovers that the killer has broken fundamental laws of magic to enter the city, she also uncovers a conspiracy that leads back into her own dark past.

Reviewed by ellieroth on

2 of 5 stars

I've received an ARC of this in exchange of a honest review

Más reseñas: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Llevo tiempo debatiendo si hacerle un post "oficial" en el blog, y la verdad es que no quiero. Demasiado trabajo para algo que no disfruté leer.

Mientras leía veía el potencial del libro, tiene una buena historia, muy interesantes personajes pero es aburrido de leer.No sé si no estaba de humor para leer este tipo de historia o quizá el libro simplemente no es para mí. Punto positivo: AMO la portada.

¿Voy a continuarlo? No lo creo.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 16 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 16 November, 2013: Reviewed