You Are Here by Dawn Lanuza

You Are Here

by Dawn Lanuza

Growth and change—two powerful anthems resonate throughout this collection of poetry and prose that will leave you feeling emboldened and empowered.

You Are Here is Dawn Lanuza’s newest collection of contemporary poetry that lends itself to the idea of giving ourselves second chances. These self-healing poems and words draw on central themes of self-love, self-discovery, and empowerment. In order to survive the vicissitudes of life, You Are Here boldly reminds readers to always choose themselves, and in times where it seems impossible, to find the courage and strength to start anew.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

5 of 5 stars

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Thank you to Andrew McMeel and Netgalley for a free e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

Whew, where to start with this review. First off I've never connected with so much of a poetry book before, there were times when I had to stop for a few minutes and recompose myself before continuing on. So many things in You Are Here are things that resonated with me.
This poetry book didn't just focus on romance for a change which I appreciated. While that is present, it also deals with working on yourself and realizing that it's okay not to always be okay. That's something that I'm working on and it was nice to see that represented in another form and not just in my head. The mental health and chronic pain mentioned in this book were things I haven't seen often talked about so openly. That's a big thing to me as someone who has both of those things and doesn't seem them mentioned ever together openly. I'm grateful for this book and I can't wait to read more of Dawn's work and support her writing.

I have so many quotes from this book I love. One of them is this:
"Let yourself go through all of this,
without guilt and shame."

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  • 19 January, 2019: Reviewed