Rebugging the Planet by Vicki Hird

Rebugging the Planet

by Vicki Hird

Foreword by Gillian Burke

This is a lovely little book that could and should have a big impact....Let's all get rebugging right away! Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Meet the intelligent insects, marvellous minibeasts and inspirational invertebrates that bring life to our planet. Discover how we can 'rebug' our attitudes and embrace these brilliant, essential insects, so that we can avoid an 'insectageddon' and help each other thrive.

In Rebugging the Planet, Vicki Hird shows us that bugs are beautiful, inventive

and economically invaluable. They are also responsible for pollinating plants,

feeding birds, defending crops and cleaning water systems. But with 40% of insect species at risk of extinction and a third more endangered, our planet is headed towards an insect apocalypse. We have to start giving worms, spiders, beetles, ladybirds and butterflies the space they need to flourish!

Discover how to:

  • Grow your garden a little wild and plant weedkiller-free, wildlife-friendly plants
  • Take your kids on a bug treasure hunt and build a bug palace in your garden
  • Rebug parks, schools, pavements, verges and other green spaces
  • Make bug-friendly food choices and support good farming practices

Rebugging the Planet shows how small changes will have a big impact on our littlest allies - and our planet.

Hird's joy in bug life is infectious and her knowledge encyclopaedic...If you've ever asked what bugs have done for us, read this book! Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Rebugging the Planet is a nonfiction call-to-action plan showing some of the effects of climate change on invertebrates, some of the functions they fulfill in the biosphere, why they're important, and how to make a difference. Due out 16th Sept 2021 from Chelsea Green Publishing, it's 224 pages and will be available in paperback format.

This is a hands-on practical book, logically arranged, full of tips for supporting and protecting habitat and populations of invertebrates by Vicki Hird. She methodically explores our attitudes, definitions (we can hardly appreciate "bugs" and inverts if we don't know what they are), and practical methods to pitch in and "do our bit" wherever we find ourselves, urban or rural.

Graphically, the book is mostly text, broken up by frequent highlighted text boxes with important points. The small pointillist drawings are well rendered and intricate. Although it's information rich and full of good and practical advice for rebugging habitat, it might be a bit dry for young readers. The book includes a good resource and links list for further reading and support. The lists are mostly slanted toward readers in the UK, but simple web searches will yield appropriate local groups and info.

The statistics are sobering. Climate change and habitat loss have already led to widespread changes; the loss of invertebrates directly correlates with crop failure and species decline. When the bugs disappear, the plants aren't pollinated, the species which depend on the inverts for food struggle, and the decline accelerates.

I grew up in an era of petrol-guzzling American supremacy monster cars. John Muir, Rachel Carson, and Margaret Murie (and others) dedicated their lives to making the public aware that we were on a path of destruction. The call to action they put out unfortunately went unheeded by most. Today we're literally teetering on the brink of a widespread extinction catastrophe and nobody can ignore it.The author does a good job of providing some creative solutions and tips for helping inverts to help us all.

This would be a good choice for public or school library acquisition, gardening groups, smallholders and hobbyists, community garden libraries and gardening groups, and anyone who wants to lend a hand to save us all from disaster. Teachers/facilitators will find many good activities here for helping younger children learn and appreciate native species.

Four and a half stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 August, 2021: Finished reading
  • 28 August, 2021: Reviewed