Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I loved this one. Girl finds her hours old husband with one her bridesmaid in a supply closet. Girl's best friend's brother rescue hers and convinces her to take her honeymoon anyway to decompress. One thing leads to another and we have a hot romance on our hands.

Lacey was a character that you could instantly connect with. She's a woman that's always thought she wasn't good enough because of her overbearing mother. She's uptight and doesn't know how to let loose. You felt sorry for her not so much because of what happened at her wedding reception, but at how she's used by those closest to her to get what they want, no matter what it might cost Lacey.

Galen has always had a thing for Lacey, but she was always off limits because she was Cat's best friend. He did a very nobel thing by taking her away and getting her mind off the mess back home with the wedding. For that alone, he would have had huge points in my book. But Galen made Lacey comfortable with herself and finally learn how to have fun.

This was a really fun read. I always enjoy when childhood friends end up in a romance. You have the history with those characters that adds an element of fun and nostalgia to a budding romance. Lacey and Galen were no exception. Their drinking game of "I Never" was the best and demonstrated, right from the beginning, how perfect these two were for each other.

Definitely one I recommend picking up. I know I'll be eagerly waiting the next book in the series.

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  • 21 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2012: Reviewed