Boys Don't Knit by Tom Easton

Boys Don't Knit (Boys Don't Knit)

by Tom Easton

Meet Ben Fletcher, an Adrian Mole for a new generation

Ben Fletcher must get to grips with his more 'feminine' side following an unfortunate incident with a lollipop lady and a stolen bottle of Martini Rosso from Waitrose. All a big misunderstanding of course.

To avoid the Young Offenders unit, Ben is ordered to give something back to the community and develop his sense of social alignment. Take up a hobby and keep on the straight and narrow. The hot teacher he likes runs a knitting group so Ben, reluctantly at first, gets 'stuck in'. Not easy when your dad is a sports fan and thinks Jeremy Clarkson is God. To his surprise, Ben finds that he likes knitting and that he has a mean competitive streak. If he can just keep it all a secret from his mates...and notice that the girl of his dreams, girl-next-door Megan Hooper has a bit of a thing for him...

Laugh-out-loud, often ridiculous, sometimes quite touching, and revelatory about the knitting world, BOYS DON'T KNIT is a must for boys and girls...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Story would be better if I wasn't a knitter.

True this, if I didn't know that Warp and Weft are not knitting things (they're weaving, a different skill) and I didn't know that the Knitwits are a husband and wife podcast (with chickens!) and I didn't know how long it takes to knit something and I didn't know about Ravelry and Knitty and the millions of free knitting patterns online for free this would have been a better read, but I do know these things and it broke my willing suspension of disbelief.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2014: Reviewed