Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews Thank you to Kim for letting me part of this blog tour. I have to confess that I didn't read the blurb before I agreed to the tour or even before I started reading this book so I was kind of expecting this to be a continuation of Ella's Ice Cream Summer. It wasn't, nevertheless this was quite a book. Just a warning this is going to be quite a personal review.

This book hit quite a personal note for me. I have always struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have always been overweight. Not excessively but I have always been at least a stone overweight but closer to two.   I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad and I eat when I am bored. So I completely understand Dani's emotional relationship with food. Sue does a brilliant job of explaining Dani's feelings about food and I connected with this very easily.

I also understand her new found love for working out. Like Dani I hated PE at school. I am not very coordinated and I didn't ever enjoy exercise. When I joined a new gym at the beginning of the year I signed up for a weight loss scheme there the content is similar to what Dani does in this story although nowhere near as tough. Through this I found a love of spinning which I never would have expected. I love Dani's determination in this story. She is very inspiring and really made me want to be healthy even if for a few minutes.

I loved every page of this story. It is the perfect summer escapism that will inspire you to go for a walk before that yummy ice cream.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 June, 2017: Reviewed