French Lessons by Ellen Sussman

French Lessons

by Ellen Sussman

The only thing that lasts is love, even when it's gone.

Three French tutors meet at a small cafe that spills out onto the sunny Parisian backstreet of Rue du Paradis. Nico, Philippe and Chantal meet here every Wednesday morning, before leading their students along the grand boulevards, winding alleyways and sweetly perfumed jardins of the city of lights.

But today's lesson will be very different - and none of them are remotely prepared.

Josie arrives in Paris desperate, alone, and hopeful that this trip might mend her broken heart. Ex-pat Riley is a long way from home and drifting further and...

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Reviewed by Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews on

1 of 5 stars

French Lessons centers around three Americans and their french tutors focusing on a single day with supposed life changing events. The book is broken up into 5 parts the first and last for the tutors and the body for the pupils.

I can say one positive thing for French Lessons, it was a fast read, but that's about all. The back cover proclaimed it as a "page-turner" I do agree with that but not for the same reason, which to be rid of the horrid story! I knew it was a romance but was expecting a little more substance or feel for Paris as the tutors are semi tour guides. Nope, most of the book was on the pairs having some kind of affair or lusting/flirting with one another. I might be acting a little over-dramatic here but I would liken it to a soft "Scruples". To give an example, several men in the book have yet to be circumcised, this might be too much information but there we are. If I had to pick a favorite part it would be fin.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 23 September, 2011: Reviewed