Dirty Pleasures by Meghan March

Dirty Pleasures (Dirty Billionaire Trilogy, #2)

by Meghan March

I did it. I married a billionaire.
My reasons are my own, but the last thing I expected was to feel owned.
I may have taken vows, but I’m still determined to be me.
Now his rules are taking over my world, but I’m not the kind of girl to just obey.
There’s only one problem: I might actually be falling for him…
I have no idea how this marriage is going to go, but holding onto a piece of myself while succumbing to his dirty pleasures is shaping up to be the ride of a lifetime.

Dirty Pleasures is the second book in The Dirty Billionaire Trilogy and should be read following Dirty Billionaire. Creighton and Holly's story concludes in Dirty Together.

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Eagerly Awaiting Book 3 I received an ARC courtesy of Rock Star PR in exchange for an honest review. No monetary compensation was provided.  The opinions expressed here are 100% my own.
Dirty Pleasures by Meghan March is the second book in the Dirty Billionaire Trilogy. It picked up where book one left off. When compared with book one I would have to say that this installment was better.  I guess it has to do with the fact that we are provided with more insight into Holly's and Creighton's relationship.
In this installment, we are introduced to Creighton's sensitive side. He demonstrated that he wanted the marriage to work. He is not afraid to admit when he was wrong.  We see this when he followed Holly on her tour.  He got to see her in her element. He goes out of his way to protect her interests. There is no doubt that he genuinely cares for her. It would appear that what started out as a marriage of convenience was developing into something of substance.
Holly career means the world to her. She is not afraid to let Creighton know that she would not allow to control that area of her life.    However, beneath this tough exterior lay a wounded soul. She is struggling with guilt as she blamed herself for her grandmother's death. In addition to guilt, she is also struggling with insecurities.  These insecurities made it easy for doubts about Creighton's feelings for her to take root.  Then to add injury to insult, someone from his past came and added fuel to those doubts, causing them to spiral out of control.
This ended in a cliff hanger. Arggh!  Now I am going to have to wait, albeit, impatiently for the next installment.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 December, 2015: Reviewed