Room For Love by Sophie Pembroke

Room For Love (The Love Trilogy, #1)

by Sophie Pembroke

Can she make room for love?

When wedding planner Carrie Archer inherits the crumbling Avalon Inn where she spent her childhood summers, she knows she’ll do whatever it takes to make it home. With no money for renovations, that means finding investors if she ever hopes to turn the Avalon into a dream wedding venue.

But Carrie has been left more than the inn—she’s also inherited its occupants, including three senior citizens, a single-father chef with childcare issues, a panicky receptionist, and one very gorgeous gardener.

So when her cousin Ruth declares her intention to get married at the Avalon on Christmas Eve, Carrie finds herself juggling decorating with dance nights, budgeting with bridge games…and sabotage with seduction.

Praise for Sophie Pembroke's Love Trilogy

'A very sweet story which I really loved; I finished it in no time.' - Rachel Cotterill Book Reviews

'What a delightful story! I loved the descriptions of the old inn and surrounding countryside and the occupants of the inn were irresistible. This book is a real treat' - cayocosta72 – Book Reviews

'Well, I have never met a sweeter hero! ' - Random Book Muses

The Love trilogy by Sophie Pembroke:

Room for Love

An A to Z of Love

Summer of Love

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

As soon as I spotted Room For Love by Sophie Pembroke on Netgalley, I was very entraced by the pretty cover! Yes, I am a sucker for a good book cover – I just feel you can’t go wrong with a pretty looking book. I thought it sounded like an interesting read, too, and I couldn’t wait to dive in and see what I thought of the novel. I haven’t read any of Sophie’s previous novels, but after reading Room For Love I’ll definitely be looking out for the second and third books she’s releasing soon from Carina UK as this one was super enjoyable!

If there’s one thing that’s always a big hit with me in Chick Lit novels it’s big, stately homes. Especially big stately homes that are a bit of a wreck and need fixing up! ESPECIALLY big stately homes that are inherited by the family of the current owner, so Room For Love ticked all of those boxes! Although these inheritance novels are always slightly awkward – after all, Carrie wasn’t coming in to an empty guest house – it basically came with attachments; Nate the gardener, all the Seniors, Izzie the receptionist and Jacob the chef. She was walking into a potential frying pan, and she didn’t make the best first impression with her do-it-herself attitudes. I always admire a heroine who wants to do stuff herself, but I felt Carrie was a bit too standoffish with everyone who clearly knew the Avalon a heck of a lot better than she did, considering she hadn’t visited in months and the novel got considerably better when Carrie acknoweldged it was way too much for one person to manage. It’s hard to say you’re going to do things yourself when you have such selfless, willing people wanting to help you!

I thought the characters in Room For Love were the biggest draw for me. Sure I LOVED reading about the Avalon and desperately wanted to go visit (I love the idea of having LOADS of bedrooms and loads of other various rooms and a house so big you can get lost in it, it’s my dream if I ever win the lottery) but the characters were so warm and sweet! It took Carrie a while to get there, and to appreciate everyone else, but I appreciated them immediately. The Seniors – Cyb, Moira and Stan were hilarious and I loved their meddlings ways- even the recently departed Nancy was meddling from above since she left the gardens to Nate for as long as he wished. I love meddlesome old people. They always make me smile. And Nate! Oh, Nate. I loved him! So sweet, so charming, so caring, even when Carrie was being awful, all he wanted to do was help. Sigh. That pretty much summed up everyone in Room For Love – they all wanted to do their best for the Avalon, and these are the kinds of novels that get me the most because there’s a familiarity there between the characters, a camraderie, a sense of belonging, they’re a community. It just always warms my heart.

I very much enjoyed Room For Love. Pembroke has a wonderful writing style that I enjoyed immensely – I felt like I really got to know the characters, and I really got to see what life was like at Avalon Hall! The ending was probably my favourite bit, as it’s always nice to see the mean people get their comeuppance and boy does that occur here. I thought Carrie did a very nice job and kept a very cool head, and I very much enjoyed the whole Carrie and the Avalon versus the rest of the world vibe. I loved seeing the Avalon come back to life, under the guidance of Carrie and I loved the importance of everyone else who made the Avalon tick day in and day out. I can’t wait for the next book in the trilogy (which is a separate story as far as I’m aware) as Sophie Pembroke is a wonderful writer and I loved Room For Love.

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  • 14 May, 2014: Reviewed