Can't Stand the Heat? by Margaret Watson

Can't Stand the Heat? (Going Back, #26) (Harlequin Larger Print Superromance, #1638) (Harlequin Super Romance, #1638) (Welcome to Otter Tail, #2)

by Margaret Watson

Just the sight of Walker Barnes in her kitchen is enough to panic Jen Summers. Those feelings she once had that seemed like cold ashes for so many years are turning out to be hot, hot coals. Walker's sudden appearance is fanning all sorts of flames. Her guilt, her shame, her deep regret for what she'd done to him.

But this isn't the awkward geek she'd hurt back in high school. This is a brand-new Walker–hardened, wickedly successful, brilliant, confident…sexy. And he hasn't forgotten how she used him. Or forgiven her. In fact, he seems bent on payback. Of all the times to fall for a guy…

Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I loved this book. Honestly, I was expecting it to be a fluff book. You know, a book where the plot is forgettable and the sex is hot. Instead, I got a book with an intriguing plotline and hot sex. I was hooked from the first page.

The plotline of Can’t Stand the Heat was interesting. I thought that the author did a great job at creating a situation where paternity could be questioned. But I didn’t like how Walker made assumptions about things. He saw Nick and assumed that was his son from the first glance. All because of a grin. Then he treated Jen horribly when she got defensive when confronted. Heck, any normal woman would have acted the same way. I know I would have if an ex-fling (technically it was) came back into my life and started making claims that one of my kids were his.

I did feel for Jen. She was put in a hard situation. How does she explain to her ex that Walker might be Nick’s father? And how would she explain that to Nick? It would open up a can of worms that could backfire on her. No wonder she didn’t want to do the DNA test. I didn’t blame her one bit.

I am going to admit that I didn’t like Walker until halfway through the book. I thought he should have left well enough alone. But then came the scenes where he was looking through his mother’s album. I got teary-eyed because his regret over the past was palpable. It was at that point where I started to like him. He redeemed himself in my eyes.

I liked Jen. I thought that she was a sweetheart. Yes, she made mistakes and yes, she paid for them. But she was making an effort to try and move past them. She was a good mother. I loved the scenes where she went all mama bear on Walker. I was doing fist pumps and saying “You go, girl”.

Walker and Jen definitely had some serious chemistry going on in the book. The sexual attraction was there and was kept up until they had sex. Now, talking about the sex scenes, I was actually happy that they weren’t graphic. There is a time and a place for graphic sex scenes and I am glad the author went the less graphic route with this book.

The end of the book was emotional. I am not going to get into it. But I will say that I thought everything was handled perfectly. Also, the epilogue made me smile.

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  • 8 January, 2019: Reviewed