Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

4 of 5 stars

Bleu is the right-hand man to Prince Loren (Kissed by a Dark Prince). But since his Prince has found his eternal mate, Olivia, Bleu finds that most of the duties which took up his day such as acting as counsel to the Prince, have been usurped by the new Princess. There is one task that Bleu was has never been able to complete and that is recovering the Elven Sword stolen by the dragoness over 700 years ago. He found her once and almost lost his life. He has the scars across his neck to prove it. The trail has been cold these last 300 years but a recent battle has brought her to Bleu's attention once more.

Taryn has spent the past 300 years in slavery being sold again and again, fighting off her new masters each time until they finally sold her off. Thankfully a dragon slave was too rare to simply kill. She has been biding her time and finally found her opportunity to escape when the elves attacked the slave market. Her premonitions had warned her that the Elf was coming for her again so she wasn't surprised to catch Bleu's eyes across the battle field. Though she wasn't planning on sitting and waiting for him to grab her.

Taryn has plans of her own. Before she was captured by the slavers, Taryn had taken the stolen sword from her twin brother. His desire for power has been turning into an obsession and she knows that with the Elves's sword, he would kill many in his attempt to rule all of the Hell realm. Now that she is free, it is past time to bring the sword back to Tenak and kill him with it. Death is the only way to stop her brother's madness.

The only one who can stop her plan is Bleu. If he gets the sword first and takes it back to the Elves, her brother will destroy their kingdom to regain his prized treasure. Taryn needs to avoid Bleu a little longer until she can reach her brother and deal with him, or else all hope might be lost.

To followers of this series, finally getting Bleu's story was a triumph. I have read most of the series, but not the first few books where Bleu was featured. Although I wasn't part of the Bleu frenzy, I had no trouble enjoying this book.

You have to feel bad for Bleu. First, after 4,000 years of being the BFF and confidant of Prince Loren, he is suddenly pushed aside by Loren finding the love of his life, Olivia. Bleu might like Olivia but is doesn't change the fact that Bleu spent most of his day waking the Prince, helping him dress, making sure he gets to his meetings, being a confidant, and now he was a third-wheel with nothing much to do. Added to that situation, Bleu's fiance, Sable, dumped him in Book 2 for the Demon King (Claimed by a Demon King). His best friend dumped him, his girlfriend dumped him and everyone around him is finding their soul mate, including his sister (Hunted by a Jaguar). Bleu is kind of sad and lonely. Awww!

We met Taryn briefly before first when she was rescued at the slave market as part of Bitten by a Hellcat and when she recovers the sword from her friend Loke in Taken by a Dragon. Taryn knew that they were mates but was avoiding Bleu because she knew he wanted to punish her for stealing the sword. Of course, we find out that in dragon form Taryn and Tenak are almost identical and it was Tenak who stole the sword, killing many of the Elven guards, not Taryn. She just stole it from her brother to keep him from starting a war.

Taryn suffers a bit of PTSD from 300 of slavery. While she is using her trauma to get back into her crazy brother's good graces. Hey, I want to hurt them all too since look what they did to me. But whenever she remembers all the males who tried to break her and rape her, she does get overwhelmed by her own emotions and might not recover if not for Bleu.

The only thing I didn't find believable was Bleu's revelation that he recognized 700 years ago that Taryn was his mate but because she was an enemy, he pushed that knowledge down in his brain and forgot about it instead of pursuing her like he does now for answers. Oh wait, there was a misunderstanding? She isn't a heartless, killing bitch? Maybe we can date. Maybe you can forget where you left the TV remove, but forgetting the most monumental moment when you meet the one person meant for you and then spending 700 years still lamenting how you've never found the love of your life because you forgot, seems far fetched. Yes, I am reading a book about elves, demons and dragons, and that seemed far fetched? I know!

I am amazed that anything gets done in any of these kingdoms since it appears the only thing any of them do when they aren't having sex with their mate is stare at them and growl and try to kill any other male looking at their mate, and smirking at the other males as they catch them drooling over their own mates. Several of the characters from the prior books are in the war room together trying to work out a defense but all they are doing is thinking of their women and sex and scaring off other males. Focus boys!

I thought it was interesting that Bleu could shift into a dragon once he took Taryn's blood. I didn't note that ability before in this series and it is a very cool ability which should have been used much more. In fact, in every battle all you need to do is get close enough to your enemy to latch on and grab some blood and you would have all his strengths. In fact, Bleu makes a much cooler dragon, than the dragons in the story.

I wasn't a Bleu fanatic since I jumped into this series starting with Book 4. I still enjoyed this story and I am happy to say that I missed nothing by not finishing the last book which I didn't like Marked by an Assassin.

This review was originally posted on EBookObsessed

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  • 13 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 April, 2016: Reviewed