Reviewed by zarahoffman on

5 of 5 stars

OH MY GOD! THAT WAS AMAZING! The plot didn't drag at all in this book (I felt it had in a few places in Book 1), I loved all the new characters, Cait's growing awareness of what she is is AWESOME, as is the way it's described, and alskdjfl;sdfj;as I can't put into words how epic this story was.

And, of course, Adrian is amazing. Julian surprisingly is less of a jerk, and Cait finally gets to live like a human more (kind of). It's a win-win-win until the very last moments where things take a turn for the worst and I'm left here like sad puppy waiting for some love in the form of Book 3.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 28 January, 2017: Reviewed