Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

5 of 5 stars



Mack and Ash have known each other since childhood. They meet up years later, on the other side of the country, and take a road trip together back to their hometown. Tensions build and new feelings rise to the surface. Steal My Heart is a best friends sibling romance in the Swoon series by J.H. Croix and told in the dual first-person point of view.

Mack and Ash's story is an emotionally, steamy and tension-filled trip as they made their way back home. The tension between these two makes the pages seem thicker than they are. The story slows a little bit in the middle but picks right back up again for an emotional ride to the end. As always, J.H. Croix knows how to deliver a great page-turning small town romance. All of the books in the Swoon series are swoon worthy and must read!

*ARC generously provided in exchange for my honest review.*




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  • 11 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 11 August, 2020: Reviewed