Reviewed by bamxo on

5 of 5 stars

Okay, so, this books pacing was a little slow compared to my usual readss but once I'd got stuck in, I devoured it. The book has some strong Scandinavian influences, although this seems to be in essence only, nameses, lore etc, there doesn't seem to be a connection with the characters and the the actual scandi roots. No speaking in their own tongues in private for example? That was odd. No language barrier period.
Despite this, I found the whole story very interesting. the magic system and world building was unique and I enjoyed the use of Illusions being the main point seller here. There is so many things one could conjure for an illusion.

The MC in this book has spent her whole life doubting and trying to prove something to herself, because of some inner turmoil she faced as a younger girl. Psychological nurturing is so important for development of a healthy mind. without it we become unstable in our thinking patterns and behaviours.
I have suffered for many a year with this exact issue.

A loss paves the way for a mission for the MC which leads to the realisation that everything is not as it seems. A huge can't judge a book by its cover imo.
Overall I loved the book, and was so happy to read it. I found it thought provoking, incredibly deep and moving.
I didn't get the Dramione reference from others though? I believe it's a fanfic thing, maybe Hermione and Draco? I've never read it,

I did love THIS little romance that blossomed in this story, 2 Feisty stubborn headstrong characters with opposing opinions and social classes going from enemies to lovers. Resulting in a F2B romance. (sorry smut sisters)

I found the characters so life-like and relatable, I appreciate a good smutfree book as long as it can back that up with it's other elements. Illusion of Stars did that.
This is another recommend-to-all-my-friends book. Full of humour, wit, magic, and more.

and for anyone out there that needs to hear this, just as I did.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 July, 2024: Finished reading
  • 16 July, 2024: Reviewed