Keeping It Hot by Sydney Landon

Keeping It Hot (Breakfast in Bed, #1)

by Sydney Landon

The New York Times bestselling author of Wishing for Us delivers a new novel about finding love and adventure with the sexy businessman next door....
Zoe Hart owns the coffee shop in one of the hottest upscale resorts in Florida, run by her childhood best friend, Dylan Jackson. Even though Dylan is a workaholic, he still finds time to enjoy the beautiful women who pass through his hotel—all of them except Zoe. She has been in love with Dylan for years without him noticing. But with her thirtieth birthday fast approaching, she realizes she can't keep pining away for a man who doesn't show the merest sign of romantic interest in her.
When Zoe launches her plan to shed her tomboy image in Dylan's eyes, she's thrilled once he starts to notice her in a whole new way. But she’ll have to face the risk that seducing her best friend might come with lasting changes to their longtime friendship...

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

This was my first read by Landon who reminds me a bit of Jill Shalvis and Lauren Blakely. Told in dual perspectives, Landon immediately pulled me in their story. Zoe owns a coffee shop, so of course, I immediately loved her. Zoe is that best friend who is gorgeous but wears unflattering clothes. She goes to work in khakis and a golf shirt matching what other hotel employees wear. When she spends time with her BFF Dylan she wears sweat pants and t-shirts. Zoe isn't real confident about herself, despite her business success. So as she approaches her thirty birthday she decides things need to change. With encouragement from her friend and employee Dana, she has a complete makeover. Bye-bye pony-tail and seven-day packs of cotton underwear.

The set-up was perfect and I enjoyed being inside Dylan's head as he takes in Zoe for the first time. Landon did a fantastic job of allowing the reader to experience all the reactions and thoughts. I love how cool Zoe played it, even if she was only following advice. I laughed and smiled as the storyline moved towards the inevitable.

The romance delivered the perfect blend of sweet and heat. From conversations, foreplay and tangled sheets, Landon scorched my kindle and had me swooning for Dylan. Both characters felt genuine and it was clear these two know and care for each other. The drama was kept to a minimum due to level headed Zoe and a suspense thread.

Secondary characters really rounded out this tale and added humor, snark, and meddling. Asher, one of Dylan's siblings has me quite curious and Dana is off the charts hilarious from her love life to snark. Just wait until you meet Zoe's mom. I laughed so hard I had tears.  I loved all the one-liner zings, teasing, and banter that developed between all of the characters. It flowed wonderfully and endeared me to them.

As for the Breakfast in Bed series, Landon has me excited.  We get a little hint of another possible romance and I can hardly wait. KEEPING IT HOT left me smiling with its unrushed and satisfying ending. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 28 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 28 May, 2017: Reviewed