The Spirit of Botany by Jill McKeever

The Spirit of Botany

by Jill McKeever

A visually entrancing and esoteric guide to connecting with plants through the senses. In The Spirit of Botany, artist and perfumer Jill McKeever reveals her personal rituals and creative methods of using aromatic botanical materials in incense, perfume, tisanes, ritual baths, and much more.

In addition to dozens of recipes, McKeever offers her reflections on sustainability, synesthesia, creativity, and her own experience of turning her passion for this work into the indie perfume brand, For Strange Women. Appropriate for hobbyists and career alchemists alike, The Spirit of Botany features inspiring photography and a mysterious aesthetic, immersing readers in the countless biological, emotional, energetic, and spiritual benefits of aromatherapy and herbalism.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Spirit of Botany is an interesting hybrid still-room book, practitioner's guide, and tutorial recipe book written and curated by Jill McKeever. Due out 13th Oct 2020 from Andrews McMeel, it's 160 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.

This is a beautifully presented book with a layman accessible and well written "vibe". The layout is clear and attractive with a logical thematic chapter progression. The author provides her own background and experience, followed by chapters covering essential oils, perfumes, olfactory balance (the author calls it synesthesia, but it isn't, really), materials, incense, seasonal craft, moon craft, aromatherapy, dream work, and nature therapy.

The recipes and tutorials include a list of tools and supplies (mostly easily sourced), and step by step instructions and suggestions. Ingredient measures are generally provided in either American standard and/or metric/SI units (sometimes both in one recipe). Some of the ingredients will be easy to source, others will require specialist vendors and/or more effort. The book also includes an abbreviated links/bibliography list for further reading, and an index.

This is an interesting alternative presentation of some personal self-care rituals as well as some recipes for incense and perfume. This isn't a collection of bath and beauty recipes and will likely be more appreciated by more philosophical/meditation/ritual leaning readers.

Four stars. Interesting alternative ideas and recipes.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 11 September, 2020: Reviewed