A Palm Beach Wife by Susannah Marren

A Palm Beach Wife (Palm Beach Novels, #1)

by Susannah Marren

Amid the glamour and galas and parties of Palm Beach, Faith knows that image often counts as much if not more than reality. She glides effortlessly among the highest of the high society so perfectly that you would never suspect she wasn’t born to this. But it wasn’t always so; though she hides it well, Faith has fought hard for the wonderful life she has, for her loving, successful husband, for her daughter’s future. In this town of secrets and gossip and rumors, Faith has kept a desperate grip on everything she holds so dear, built from so little. And yet even she - the only one who knows just how far she has to fall - never suspects from which direction, or how many directions all at once, betrayal will come.

Reviewed by pagesbycyndy on

4 of 5 stars

In A Palm Beach Wife by Susannah Marren, secrets and lies are revealed. There was so much gossip and friendship based on looks and money. Faith owns a Vintage consignment clothing store where her so called friends drop off items such as $20,000 handbags, $500 scarves and shoes that can cost way more than a monthly mortgage payment. Faith discovers one evening that her husband Edward has lost all of their money and Faith must now struggle to keep up the facade of carefree wealth. What follows is a tale of how resourceful Faith is and how weak her husband really is but I could not help but feel sorry for him. Can Faith leave Palm Beach and its air kisses behind for good and start fresh? A major secret is revealed halfway into this book that Faith thought she left behind years ago.

Faith is a strong and independent character who holds everything together for the sake of her daughter. The last sentence of this book did literally left me with my mouth open! This review was originally posted on Fictional Blonde

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  • Started reading
  • 5 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 5 April, 2019: Reviewed