I Quit Sugar by MS Sarah Wilson

I Quit Sugar

by MS Sarah Wilson

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A week-by-week guide to quitting sugar to lose weight, boost energy, and improve your mood and overall health, with 108 sugarfree recipes.
“Life without sugar is much sweeter than I ever imagined it would be.”—Shauna Ahern, Gluten-Free Girl
Sarah Wilson thought of herself as a relatively healthy eater. She didn’t realize how much sugar was hidden in her diet, or how much it was affecting her well-being. When she learned that her sugar consumption could be the source of a lifetime of mood swings, fluctuating weight, sleep problems, and thyroid disease, she knew she had to make a change.
What started as an experiment to eliminate sugar—both the obvious and the hidden kinds—soon became a way of life, and now Sarah shows you how you can quit sugar too:
• Follow a flexible and very doable 8-week plan.
• Overcome cravings.
• Make food you’re excited to eat with these 108 recipes for detox meals, savory snacks, and sweet treats from Sarah Wilson and contributors including Gwyneth Paltrow, Curtis Stone, Dr. Robert Lustig (The Fat Chance Cookbook), Sarma Melngailis (Raw Food/Real World), Joe “the Juicer” Cross, and Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows).
I Quit Sugar makes it easy to kick the habit for good, lose weight, and feel better than ever before. When you are nourished with delicious meals and treats, you won’t miss the sugar for an instant.

Reviewed by Briana @ Pages Unbound on

3 of 5 stars

I'm not actually planning on quitting sugar, but I'm interested in eating less sugar and wanted to see some of the suggestions and recipes. Overall, this looks doable, and most of the recipes look straightforward, though likely you will need to buy some things you do not already own. I am confused by the recommendation of brown rice syrup, however, which as far as I can tell from research from actual scientists is still sugar and not considered any healthier than white sugar, honey, agave, etc. She also recommends Stevia, which apparently looks better than sugar but "not enough research has been done" so...who knows?

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  • 14 January, 2019: Reviewed