Left Behind by Vi Keeland, Dylan Scott

Left Behind

by Vi Keeland and Dylan Scott

Two stories so deeply intertwined, you’ll think you know how they intersect…but you’ll be wrong….

Zack Martin

The day I met Emily Bennett my whole world changed. Sure, we were just kids, but I was old enough to know my life would never be the same. She was my best friend. My destiny. My fate. I wasn’t wrong…I just didn’t know how twisted fate could be.

Nikki Fallon

After the death of my mother, moving from my dark and dreary trailer park to sunny California, I was focused on one thing – finding a sister I’d only just learned existed. Falling in love with him wasn’t part of the plan. But he filled a void I never knew was possible to fill. He had to be my fate. My destiny. Until the day I finally found out who my sister was…and how twisted fate could be.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars
I devoured this book. I fell in love with Nikki and Zach. I shared their pain, when they lost their loved ones, and their joy, when they found each other. The way their lives was so unknowingly intertwined captured and kept my interest. And the emotions!! So. Many. Feels. I lost myself in their lives, their love, their pains and sorrows. Very enjoyable read.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 29 March, 2015: Reviewed