Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

This series is become of my favorite paranormal romance series. I love how it is completely different from the other series that I'm reading right now. I'm a very character driven reader and Felicity Heaton writes some amazing characters. Everytime she introduces a new character, I want to learn more about them.

Both Harbin and Aya have a troubled past. They both have revenge on the mind. Harbin gave his life to a group of assassins so that he would have some way to make a living while still working on trying to get his revenge. Aya spent most of her time within Archangel. She eventually gets released, but she now has revenge of her own and is working with Archangel to get it.

Once again, Heaton has built on to the amazing world that she has been building throughout the series. She also continues to have the phenomenal characters. The storylines truly draw you in. Even with the shorter storylines of the novellas, the romance isn't overly rushed.

As per usual with me, I fell for a secondary character. I know that everyone is hounding for Bleu's story. With the introduction to Fuery, I think he has topped Bleu for me. His story is intriguing me. Fuery is one of the assassins that Harbin worked with who is damaged. I so want to hear his story. Ms. Heaton, you can be sure I will start hounding about Fuery's book until it appears on my ereader.

**Book was provided to me by the author. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway by the author.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2015: Reviewed