Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I adored the first two books in the Takhini series and the third was just as great if not better. It was fun seeing the differences between the wolf shifters and the bear shifters. I was fascinated by the fact that the bear shifters try and be so civilized and yet they break into fights anytime they’re left in a room for too long.

Caroline Bradley is an amazing woman. She’s strong, quick and able to make full grown bear shifters back down. I adored her. She’s the perfect example of what a strong heroine can be. She doesn’t want to be Tyler’s political pawn but the attraction between these two is off the charts.

Tyler Harrison, is a rich grizzly shifter who usually gets what he wants. He was adorable in the way he pursued Caroline especially watching him mess it up and have to regroup because she didn’t fit into the box he thought she would. He was sweet and kind with her and so sexy, I needed a glass of ice water.

This is a story with sexy shifters, a clueless bear and the woman who holds it all together who finally gets to fall apart into the arms of the man she loves. The chase in this book is half the fun and this book does a great job of bringing the reader along for the ride.

Reviewed by Sheri for Cocktails and Books

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  • 26 July, 2013: Reviewed