Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead was a pretty good end to this series. Much like the previous book, it didn't fully grasp my attention, but I did like it better. Faith and Matt's break up doesn't last for long, but a new problem arises when Faith accidentally runs over the Angel of Death. As he was dying, his powers transferred to her and now anything or anyone she touches dies. Not a great way to restart a relationship. Meanwhile, the Apocalypse is coming in the form of a crazy nephilim in a sweater set.

I was quite into Before the Devil Knows You're Dead when Faith was taking over as the new Angel of Death. I thought it was a great plot point, which also allowed for some interesting world building. But it was over almost as soon as it started. Then an other interesting event takes place, but it's resolved in one chapter. All of this could have easily been expanded on, but as it is, they're both just stepping stones to the main conflict which I didn't enjoy as much.

Of course, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead has a happy ending for everyone involved. Well, not the bad guys, obviously. Everything is resolved quite conveniently and wrapped up swiftly, so we don't really get to enjoy the final face off or the happily ever after. This series had a lot of potential, but nothing really came together for me. It was just kind of cute and kind of funny in places, kind of dull in others. It's not really a bad series, just not the one for me. If you enjoy angels and demons with a side of humor and quirkiness, then this is probably the series for you.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 28 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 July, 2014: Reviewed