Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi

Destroy Me (Shatter Me, #1.5) (Shatter Me Novella, #1)

by Tahereh Mafi

Juliette escaped from The Reestablishment by seducing Warner—and then putting a bullet in his shoulder. But as she’ll learn in Destroy Me, Warner is not that easy to get rid of...

Back at the base and recovering from his near-fatal wound, Warner must do everything in his power to keep his soldiers in check and suppress any mention of a rebellion in the sector. Still as obsessed with Juliette as ever, his first priority is to find her, bring her back, and dispose of Adam and Kenji, the two traitors who helped her escape. But when Warner’s father, The Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment, arrives to correct his son’s mistakes, it’s clear that he has much different plans for Juliette. Plans Warner simply cannot allow.

Set after Shatter Me and before its forthcoming sequel, Unravel Me, Destroy Me is a novella told from the perspective of Warner, the ruthless leader of Sector 45.

Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars!

My Initial Reaction...

I loved getting to know Warren better - just wish there were more! Destroy Me definitely filled in some details about my favorite guy in the series!

The Good...

One of the best things about Destroy Me is that it let me pat myself on the shoulder a little bit. After reading Shatter Me I said (quote from my review...) "What can I say? Sometimes the bad guys steal the show – and in the Adam vs. Warren scenario, he totally did for me." I saw him as a much more complex character and even did he did some seriously horrible things that I could in no way pretend made him the GOOD GUY, I just liked him better. And now after reading Destroy Me I feel so much more justified in feeling that way. Warren is ONE COMPLEX DUDE and understandably so. I loved getting inside his head!

The Bad...

So in Destroy Me Warren finds Juliette's journal. I LOVED this and thought it was cool to see his reactions to what he read. But then the chapters started beginning with a random excerpt from her journal without his reaction to them. It felt out of place and I didn't like Juliette taking over Warren's book. You have your series, let him have his novella! LOL! Yeah, it's not a big point at all, but I could have done without those (or even better, would have liked them to involve Warren's reactions!)

Concluding Sentiments...

I loved reading Destroy Me and I think it's an absolute must for anyone who's reading the series!

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  • Started reading
  • 13 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 June, 2014: Reviewed