Reviewed by bookishzelda on

So I had a strong attraction to this book the minute I helped do the cover reveal and was convinced I saw the clock ticking. I have this weird love of clocks and fascination with time so I dove in head first into reading.

Wow…I adored this book. I found it to be really creative and kept me enthralled the entire time I was reading. Plus the dash of Harry Potter and Dr. Who references made me feel like Marilyn Almodovar was speaking to my inner geek.

Declan was such an interesting character. He started out by creeping me out, then I just didn’t trust him, then I started too really like him and then I didn’t trust him but still liked him anyway. I’m not sure what it is about him that makes me so drawn to him. I would love to learn more about his history and even maybe have a novella in his POV. I really want to get in his head and know what he is actually thinking. You can never be sure if he is just manipulating Baxter or if maybe there is more to it underneath.

I loved Baxter; she was such a normal down to earth character. I thought that she took things in stride and appreciated the things that she had. I loved the fact that her family and her have such a close relationship and that she really likes her stepdad. It wasn’t that scenario where he ignores her or isn’t really attached to her. It was nice to see two parents in a book, even if her biological father had passed away. I love how Baxter doesn’t back down from a good verbal battle, she is not the girl that becomes puddy in your hand. She has survival instincts.

Jack was likable and had a good mix of arrogance and good guy in him. He is definitely a character that I could consider for book boyfriend. He’s strong, doesn’t back down, fiercely loyal and not one to hold back a sarcastic comment.

I wouldn’t say there was a love triangle because in a way it really wasn’t and in another way it sort of was. I loved the banter between Declan and Jack, even though they weren’t even really talking to each other. They would make snide remarks to Baxter. It’s the first time I felt myself wanting both guys to be into the main girl. The chemistry between them was so entertaining to me.

I really felt the characters made this book. I loved that there was no clear cut good guys and bad guys. Everyone had some skeletons in their closets in different ways. I found myself wanting to know more about each of their back stories. Also none of the characters seemed to be off limits as far as tragedy and possible death. Even though it can be heartbreaking when we lose a character from a book, I love an author that is willing to sacrifice characters to give the story that edge of suspense. The plot was fast moving and engaging. I actually read it in a day and couldn’t get it out of my head, which is always a sign of a good book for me.

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  • 6 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 January, 2013: Reviewed