Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 2 by Youn-Kyung Kim

Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 2

by Youn-Kyung Kim

Having uncovered the dark secret of her enigmatic classmate, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan embraces her feelings for him, trusting Edward to keep her safe despite the risks. When a rival clan of vampires makes its way into Forks, though, the danger to Bella has never been more real. Will she make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the people dearest to her? The second volume of Twilight: The Graphic Novelcompletes the visual adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's worldwide bestselling debut novel and is a must-have for any collector's library.

Reviewed by lizarodz on

5 of 5 stars

I love Twilight. As such I read anything related to Twilight that I can get my hands on. I was very excited for the graphic novel, although I don’t usually read them anymore (I used to read a lot of comics when I was youngerJ). A good thing about the Twilight graphic novels is that they are not only beautiful, but they follow the story much more faithfully that the movie ever did. I have to say that the characters look a lot more as I imagined they would when I was reading the books that what they look like in the movies (don’t get me wrong, I love the movies too, didn’t I just said I love Twilight!)

Volume two starts right where volume one ended (after the meadow scene) and therefore is much more action packed. Again, the art is just beautiful and the adaptation is really good too. A must for Twilight fans!

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  • 21 October, 2011: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2011: Reviewed