Trapped at the Altar by Jane Feather

Trapped at the Altar

by Jane Feather

Ariadne Daunt has vowed to be with the man she loves, Gabriel Fawcett. There's just one obstacle. On his deathbed, Ari's grandfather decrees that she marry her childhood friend Ivor Chalfont, thus forging a powerful alliance between the two warring families. Giving Ari no time to protest, the elders plan her wedding the next day, forcing her to follow through on the nuptials. Though she is fond of Ivor, Ari has no intention of consummating their marriage--until he kindles an intoxicating desire that she can't ignore. Ivor has loved Ari for years, but he doesn't want an unwilling wife. He wants Ari to ache with the same irresistible longing he feels. And if that's the way to woo her into his bed and into their new life, he won't rest until his new bride surrenders to true love.

Reviewed by Rowena on

3 of 5 stars

This book was slow going but in the end, I was glad that I finished it. Had trouble with the heroine, though. I didn't like her and thought the hero deserved far more than the likes of her but in the end, alls well that ends well.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 July, 2014: Reviewed