Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

There was no way that Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! wasn't going to be a super fun read with a title like that, right? Sadly, wrong! It actually started off really great. Ainsley has stumbled upon some secret family business and now someone is trying to kill her. She fled Beverly Hills with just the clothes on her back (and her Christian Louboutin heels) and wound up in the middle of nowhere, Montana, in a town full of shifters! Now she has the protection of Luc and may have found a reason to stop running.

Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! was really fun in the beginning. Just because Ainsley is the heiress to a fortune doesn't mean she doesn't know how to work hard. And she really has no choice since she's stranded with no money, no transportation, nothing. Her response to learning that Luc was a bear was pretty funny too! Unfortunately, everything else surrounding her problem happens off the page. Weeks go by and then suddenly Luc is having a conversation about how Ainsley's would-be killer has been caught but she's still staying in town. Um, what?! What about all of the suspense?! Nothing happens! I was mightily disappointed.

Then there's the matter of the big fight. As soon as Luc's history was revealed, I knew exactly how this romance was going to go. And it's one of my least favorite tropes. I really cannot stand it. Especially how it was handled here. It's like no one was listening to anyone, and then happily ever after. How about no.

Sadly, Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! wasn't the fun read I was hoping for. It had a lot of potential in the beginning, but then it was like the author cut out half of the story to meet some word limit.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 5 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 June, 2015: Reviewed