5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Witch by Gilly Sergiev

5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Witch

by Gilly Sergiev

Gilly Sergiev's style should inspire everyone to bring more magic into their life. Her 5 steps include: finding your Guardian Angel - the perfect guide to work with; your appearance - which style will give you greatest allure and energy; your spells - simple ways to attract desire, happiness and protection; your tools - everything you need to get the spells started; your special mystical talents - how to cast them over friends, family and lovers! She also reveals her calendar of special feast days; a variety of spells and special recipes for every occasion; and great ways to use herbs for healing and beauty purposes. Learn how to tap into your own personal style and access the latent power of bewitchment we all possess!

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

good for a giggle

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed