Jessie by Lori Wick

Jessie (Big Sky Dreams, #3)

by Lori Wick

"Jessie" is book three in bestselling author Lori Wick's popular new "Big Sky Dreams" series (more than 215,000 copies sold). Readers will be transported to the vast landscape of Montana Territory in the late 1800s where they meet Jessie Wheeler, whose husband, Seth, abandoned her before their second child was born. As a single mom and the sole proprietor of Token Creek's general store, Jessie lives day to day with her hands full and her heart broken. When Seth suddenly returns to town claiming he's a man changed by faith, Jessie is reluctant to trust him or God with...Read more

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

2 of 5 stars

At about half way through I can tell you that the story is good and fun and intriguing. But the writing is irritating. Much as I said when I reviewed [book: Sabrina] by [author: Lori Wick], the word usage is just awkward and causes a break in concentration and overall is ruining the book. I just do not understand it either, because I have read dozens of her books and never have found this in the before Sabrina and now Jessie. It is just weird, it is the same usage of "that" in all of the weirdest places. You might have to see it, to understand what I'm talking about but it is just weird.

After being completely finished, my overall opinion is that I'm disappointed. The story has so much potential and is really pretty good, but then it just ends completely abruptly. Then most of the loose ends are wrapped up in a whirl wind in the epilogue. The usage of "that" is just odd through out, but even beyond that, I do not know it just was not the best of Lori Wick that I have read. I am not saying do not read it, because it has tons of wonderful gospel lessons and heart warming plots, there is just a strangeness to the wording and then just ending. It could have been better, but it is still an okay read.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 September, 2008: Finished reading
  • 21 September, 2008: Reviewed