Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Love Him or Leave Him is a super cute second chance romance with a strong focus on family and community. Becca and Connor dated back in high school, but after believing town gossip over her, Connor dumped her. Twelve years later, Becca has been working at the grocery store, raising her teen brother, and dreaming of travel and opening her own fitness center. Connor, on the other hand, has only been back in town for two years after joining the military and then the police academy. For those two years, he and Becca have pretended the other didn’t exist, but now that’s not so easy anymore.

I thought Love Him or Leave Him was really cute. Becca and Connor are suddenly forced together for multiple reasons. The first being that Connor has been assigned as Becca’s brother’s mentor to keep him out of trouble until he graduates. Then both are wrangled into participating in Pauline’s wacky cocoa contest. And finally, there’s been a string of vandalism in town, and not enough police power, so Becca volunteers to check things out and winds up paired with Connor! Needless to say, that much close proximity brings up old feelings and stirs up some new ones! I wasn’t quite as invested in the vandalism plot, especially because it becomes super obvious who the culprit is. But I really enjoyed the cocoa contest! Lots of creativity there!

Love Him or Leave Him was quick and sweet, but was missing that extra something that Veronica and Matt’s story had. I still very much enjoyed seeing Becca and Connor come together, and I’m so glad that this didn’t turn into another case where the woman drops her dreams to stay with her man! She can totally have it all!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 September, 2015: Reviewed